Wednesday, August 8, 2012

~Thank You O'Neill Community~

Dear O’Neill Community –
                Thank you to everyone who is contributing to our ministry year in Ecuador. Your gifts of prayer, donations, and help with the many details of preparing to leave are all greatly appreciated.
                The open house on Monday was a wonderful send off. Thank you for the touching out pouring of well wishes, cards and prayers. Thank you to Avera St. Anthony’s for hosting the event. Sherry, Jon and James, the food was wonderful.
                Thank you to the Davis family for staying in our home and caring for our animals.
                To the O’Neill Assembly of God Church-- your prayers over us brought us to tears. May God return the blessing.
                Thank you to Faith Community Church, our amazing church family, for being a great foundation for our ministry and our family.

Dr. Jay and Lynnelle Allison
Dane, Luke, Angelyn and Jayson

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