Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mailing Letters and Packages                                                             

We welcome mail in Ecuador!

Our address is:

Jay Allison (Letters can be addressed it to any member of our family)
Hospital Vozandes del Oriente
Shell, Pastaza
Ecuador, South America

If you would like to send a package, please see the important notes below:

Large envelopes or packages under 4 pounds need a green customs label which is available at the post office or their online site: USPS.com. Clearly mark them, "no commercial value."  If customs thinks the package can be sold for profit, they charge more.

 Please do not address packages to the children. If this happens, we must take them and their passport with us to customs to claim the package. We suggest addressing the package to Jay and then writing a note in the front lower, left-hand corner such as “Something for Angelyn!” and we will let the appropriate child open the package.

Careful when addressing packages or mailers– if you send more than one it's better to send one to Jay and one to Lynnelle.  Here’s why: If the same person receives more than one box on the same day, then the weight of all the boxes are combined which means hefty customs. 

Time frame – letters 10-14 days, packages often 2 weeks but sometimes 4 weeks, there doesn’t seem to be a pattern.

CAUTION: For a large padded envelope customs usually charges a dollar or two. But larger items or boxes would be a concern. Here’s an example: Friends received a heavy box of donated clothing and paid much more than it was worth to release it from customs. We'd be happy to answer any questions on e-mail about ideas on how to share larger items with ministries here.

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