Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hello Everyone – Thank you for blessings us so. A couple more prayer notes and donations toward this ministry year arrived today and we are so humbled. I wish you could tangibly feel our hearts.

Here’s the latest:

Visas – Jay called the Ecuadorian Consulate in Minneapolis this morning. It has been 10 days since they said our paperwork would be reviewed and while we have sent emails asking, there has been no response. When he called and told the receptionist his name, he was connected directly to the consul. She thanked him for everything we are doing for her country and told him the visas had been approved. Terrific News! Praise! She also said she thought the visas had already been sent back to us. So we checked the FedEx tracking number for our return envelope and it hasn’t been activated. We’ve emailed the consulate enquiring if it was sent another way. Please pray our visas are in a safe place and will get to us in good time.

River valley near Shell, Ecuador

Prayer- thanks for holding us up for each issue we’ve faced. To talk directly to the Ecuadorian consul today was such a great, positive surprise. This is just another place we see the hand of God. Each prayer you send up is wrapped up in the movement of that Holy Hand. Thank you. Together we are holding the hand of God and participating in His plan through prayer. That’s HIStory.

View from our future backyard: mountains and an active volcano.

Packing – Sheets, towels, some cooking items, my favorite pan. All the boys’ clothes are sorted and ready. Angelyn’s are next. So many decisions. What. How much. How heavy? What to take to give our house the feel of home. Prayers for discernment and wisdom are welcome.  

Saying Goodbyes – The time has come. Friends are coming for dinner. The kids are having sleepovers. The Allison side of the family is gathering this Saturday. Angelyn has almost checked off all the names on the girlfriend list she posted on the fridge. The hospital is having an open house on Monday.

This brings mixed emotions. The finality of leaving. The treasure of friends.

Leaving. Beginning. What’s ahead. Are we really ready? Uncertainty creeps in. We’ve been so deep in preparing that it seemed the end would not come. But it has. Lord, help us process and proceed.

HE said:
I will strengthen you.
I will help you.
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.               Isaiah 41:10  

Held in his hand, watching his victory unfold,
The Allisons: Jay and Lynnelle, Dane, Luke, Angelyn and Jayson

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