Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Get Involved in Ecuador: GIVE, GO, PRAY                                          

If you would like to join in our ministry consider:
PRAYING – Check our posts for prayer request updates.
GO – leave us a comment if you are interested in joining a trip with a ministry work team. Anyone can help at the orphanage by playing with the children and by working on the new school building under construction. Medical professionals can join in a hospital campaign… just let us know!
GIVE – We are self-funded meaning we do not draw a salary. We are working volunteers through HCJB Global. Our living and work expenses are supported by donations to us through HCJB Global. They have been on the ground in Ecuador since 1939. Visit their website (hcjbglobal.org) to learn more or watch videos about the ministries there. To learn more about our ministry read our blog post called Daily Life .
By the way our support level is about 85%. Wow! Awesome, God! Thanks, everyone!

Financial gift options (tax deductable): 
Our account #128266
Phone: Call HCJB Global  719-590-9800
On line - www.hcjbglobal.org   Click Give at the top of the page, next select Give to Missionaries. Then choose Short-term Missionaries. You’ll find us on the list. At this time, the only on-line giving option for us is one-time gifts.
For monthly gifts, mail a note indicating this to the address below.
Postal Mail -   Please make checks out to HCJB Global. On the memo line write Act. # 128266. Our name can go on a separate note.
Address:  HCJB Global, PO Box 39800,Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9800

Thank you and many blessings in return,
The Allisons

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