Thursday, March 28, 2013

When God Goes Before You


Some of us talk to God. Walk with Him day by day.

To others God’s just a 4, no, 3-letter word or what goes after “Oh, my…”

Both groups look at each other and wonder just how can the other have that perspective…. or…. lack of it. Over the centuries volumes have been written to explain the path I walk. But I don’t need to be a Bible scholar, pastor or priest to explain why God is real to me.

It’s because….

When we arrived here… the book our pastor had used in his last sermon series was waiting on the shelf. Just for me to finish.

It’s because…

Last year the 8th grade class here had one boy, five girls and a female teacher. This year there are 5 boys and a male teacher who they respect and honor and admire. Dane is in the 8th grade.

It’s because…

The night before we left Nebraska, I finally made up my mind that despite their bulk and their weight, I would pack Angelyn’s in-line skates…. (You know she wants to be a skating waitress someday  : ) …and pull them through three airports and a minivan and a bus. And, minutes after we arrived in Shell, she wanted them. That's because the first girl she met, Bella, skated up to introduce herself. Angelyn couldn't find the right suitcase fast enough.  Roller blades in Ecuador? At the edge of the jungle? Who knew. God did.

These aren’t big things. Not even miracles, however, I think I have even seen a few of those in my life. It’s these little things, little coincidences or God-cidences as some call them, that show me almost every day that God is not a three-letter word.

He is.
He knows my name.
He knew the color of the sheet set I was bringing. It happened to match the linens in the closet here.
He knew my daughter’s new buddy loves roller blades just as much as she does.
He knew my son and four other boys needed just the right teacher.

He is.
He is risen.
Feliz Domingo de Gloria!
Have a blessed Easter, everyone.

Artwork by Miriam, Olivia, Bella and Angelyn

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