Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bugs - Big and Beautiful

Despite what you might think, we actually see fewer bugs in Ecuador than we did in Nebraska. Think of summer nights in Nebraska and how the bugs swarm any light bulb outside or even inside the house. Here in Shell, the street lamps might have a dozen bugs circling the glow but that's it. We eat outside without screens or bug spray. We see one mosquito a month. However, while we may not see a great number of bugs, the larger sizes of the ones we do see and their uniqueness makes up for it.  Here's a sample:

A hand-ful of rhino beetle.

Neighbors caught this giant jungle cockroach. Eeuwuh!

Jayson's hand. Giant leaf bug.

3" Moth 

This leech was crossing the cement outside our backdoor. It was washed up by a hard rain.


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