Sunday, June 16, 2013

Don't Touch the Caterpillars!

In Ecuador, caterpillars mean business! 
Sometimes a "mean business" as just brushing their fuzz can be dangerous. We take pictures but every child knows you don't touch caterpillars here. The fuzz of some varieties will penetrate your skin. 

There is an all white caterpillar in the lab at the hospital. He is a harry fellow. The caterpillar's diameter with all that white fluff is wider than a plump bratwurst! If you brush against him, your arm will go numb. An ailing patient brought it along to the emergency room.

I wish I knew the butterflies and moths that come from these crawlers. Unique butterflies abound here but catching them on camera has proven very hard.

One of the joys of living here is experiencing the diversity of God's creation on another continent. I keep a camera handy in case we find a new, unusual bug or flower. Jayson has caught onto this idea and he takes many insect pictures for me. We'll share those another time.

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