Thursday, September 6, 2012

Team Work

Nice weather on Sunday afternoons in Shell means Ultimate Frisbee. A large portion of the missionary community turns out for two hours of pounding down the local soccer field, laughter, sweat, good-natured competition and, hopefully, only a pulled muscle or two when it’s all over.

After last week’s battle, Jay was moving a bit slower Monday morning but he and Dane were back in the mix again this Sunday.

Meet the a few members of the team…

Taylor, formerly of Texas, is a computer programmer able to work from anywhere there's an Internet connection. So his family chose Ecuador where they play Frisbee and shine His light in their neighborhood. 

Jenny J., pictured here with her daughter and teammates from the orphanage, moved from California to become the principal at the school our children attend

             Dwight, former military man, came to help at the orphanage for a year. Now he and his wife are in year four. They helped design and build the new orphanage building and adjoining school which work teams are now completing.

Gabriella, from Sweden, uses her midwife skills to teach residents
at the Hospital Vozandes del Oriente,

Jeff, formerly a plumber from Mississippi,
brought his family to work
at the orphanage.

            Jayson J., construction contractor from California, now doing construction at the orphanage.

Plumber, doctor, teacher or mom.
American, Swedish or Ecuadorian.
We are all on God’s Team Ecuador.
Walking among His people.
Sharing His story.
Shining His love.
Giving His gift.

Glad to be on His team.

Hope you are on it, too.

Lynnelle Allison
Rear Guard, Team Ecuador 

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