Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Week in Shell                                                                            

At the end of week two, we are thankful for a day of rest. A day to pause and sit and process all the new, all the slightly different, seemingly upside down ways things are done in a different hemisphere. I’ll let the pictures tell you a 1000 words.

Church in Spanish

Main Street - the fruit vendor on the right is where we
get fruit and vegetables. All produce must be soaked in a light
bleach or other wash solution to kill the germs.

Jayson and a whole pork waiting to become lunch at a
local restaurant. No McDonalds here. (Sorry I haven't figured out how to
rotate pictures on the blog yet.)


Luke reloads the water dispenser in the pantry.
We carry our water from the hospital which has a
water filter.

A visitor in the shower... Luke had a great time
catching this little guy.
But so many things are the same. We are thankful for the familiar. Like...

Baking dessert for a staff potluck…
 mora (raspberry) cobbler with fresh raspberries
 from the fruit and veggy “store”.

Potluck! A truly American meal. The word potluck doesn't have
an Ecuadorian translation. They do not have an equivalent
shared meal in their culture.
 Sloppy joes - yum! - and lots of side dishes.
- 30+ adults, 30+ kids

So many chocolate desserts... the veteran missionaries
commented that they could tell people had been back
to the states and had stocked up on these goodies.

Jayson swinging with a new buddy, Isaac.
Our home is in the background.
A birthday party for Lilly, next door.
NSM School open house on Friday night.
This is Luke's teacher, Sherry, sharing with the parents.
Jayson and I are sitting in Luke's desk with
Jay standing next to us.

It's been a big week, but a blessed week. We all stayed healthy. Jay feels the progress he's making in Spanish. He says the hardest word he's run into thus far is syringe ( jyrenguilla ). Shopping for groceries by foot and from several different store-fronts is becoming more routine for me. The milk still tastes different... probably always will... but we are adjusting a little each day.
Taking it one step at a time.

Thank you for walking with us.
Lynnelle for the Allisons

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