Tuesday, September 18, 2012

International Huskers

         You know you’re a Nebraska Husker when… you listen to the game on the Internet. And, to share the experience with a fellow long-distance Husker, you Skype your buddy in China who is actually watching the game live which is two plays ahead of the audio feed you get. Therefore, he can type you play by play and add some color commentary:

Brad G. in China       6:26 left in game
Run to about 20
Pass to 45 of NU
5 yd run
Pass to 25
Allisons in Shell        Ughhh!
Brad                             Not good… sack at 29
Allisons                       : (   :(

Jay and Dane tuned in.


Brad                             So NU on 19
Blocked by def lineman
Allisons                       rats!
Brad                             UCLA ball on the 17
Stopped no gain
Allisons                       oh no
Brad                             Yep, doesn't look good
2:26 left

And on it went, not a good night. Glad the Huskers won on Saturday, however.

We’ll be cheering from the southern hemisphere:
Go Big Red!

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