Monday, January 12, 2015

Work & Travel (part 1)

God has truly proven that he wants us here in Ecuador! On the way down, we were delayed a total of 9 hours and changed a flight. We arrived in Quito at 2:15 Saturday morning with all our bags!
After a short good night's sleep, we traveled to Shell after visiting the country's equator memorial called Mitad de Mundo (The Middle of the World). Today, after a rest-filled Sunday, we dis-assembled part of the old headquarters and storehouses for the water projects development program here in shell. We moved almost all of the furniture, desks, and shelve assemblies into the new building.
In the morning, the team attended the chapel service at Nate Saint Memorial School.
This has been an amazing trip so far! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us next!

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