Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Thanksgiving: 3 turkeys, 1 parade

Our family with a decoration for the missionary potluck -- a jungle turkey made of palm branches, a squash and some aji peppers. Angelyn is wearing ears because ....

 She was invited to ride in the hospital's float in the local Shell Days parade.

No Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade here but this also drew a big crowd. 

The dancers are hospital employees doing a traditional dance.

 Meanwhile back at the compound ...

Lynnelle and Jayson were baking pie crust cut in leaf shapes to decorate our pumpkin pie (ok, it was squash with pumpkin pie seasonings ... it tasted great!)  

Jay was in the clinic and ER seeing patients.

The boys were helping Mom set decorations up for the evening potluck.

Our Thanksgiving celebration... outside in a picnic shelter on the compound.

 Eric -community development, from Michigan; Gabriella - midwife at HVO, from Sweden, Enka - speach therapist at HVO, from Denmark; her husband Wvm - community development, also from Denmark; Lynnelle and Jay.

 Lots of food: 3 turkeys, potatoes, sweet potatoes, strawberry jello, cranberries, peas and creamed corn, stuffing and of course that cui! (See the blog post: Yes, We Ate That...)
 Later... hymns of praise.

A jungle-copia!

It was a busy but very good Thanksgiving.  

It is easy to count our blessings. Thanks for being a part of them. 

the Allisons

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