Friday, October 5, 2012

Parenting Tip : )

How to Keep Your Children from Putting Germy Fingers in Their Mouths

Last night was a rough call night. Jay didn’t get much sleep. A two-month old baby on a ventilator coded. He did is first c-section here and there was a woman…. CAUTION: The Following Medical Content Is NOT for the Weak of Stomach ….who was throwing up worms. Grisly thought, I know. Her story is sad. Besides the worms, there are two masses in her abdomen. (Probably tuberculosis residing in her uterus. That is the #1 cause of female infertility in the developing world. No, TB is not limited to the lungs. It can settle in various parts of the body.)

Back to those awful worms. If you have read the book, Bruchko, you know the parasite involved.

At breakfast this morning, Jay shared some of these details. “How do you get worms like that?” someone asked. “From worm eggs in dirt that stays under your fingernails when you don’t wash your hands,” Dad responded, “So, keep your hands out of your mouth and wash under your fingernails.”

The whole Allison crew was convicted.

Germ prevention just went to a new level.

I’ll be praying for that lady. Better buy more soap, too.

1 comment:

  1. Hope all is going well Dr. Allison. We just learned about parasites today in class. Also make sure you don't walk outside without shoes on!

    Kassandra Connell (M2)
