Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ecuador Update – Four Weeks to Go

This has been a crazy week with the Niobrara Fires taking away a chunk of preparation time. Still we know God is in control. He knew a crucial day for my parents who live north of Bassett would be yesterday and we were already scheduled to be at Bassett to get Luke from Camp Witness and because Jay was working in Ainsworth. We thank the Lord for keeping the fire from jumping the river and for turning the wind around.

By the way, guess where one of the Camp Witness counselors is from? QUITO, ECUADOR. Joel is the son of Scott and Kristy Edgren who serve with Avant in Quito.

Thanks for your continuing prayers, encouragement and financial support. Here’s an update on prayer requests:

Support – Praise! Prayer supporters increase almost daily. Finances are nearing 40%. Spoke at the Ainsworth E-Free Church last weekend.

Visas – Our consulate contact said they would be reviewed Monday. No word yet. Please pray.

Packing – Ramping up. We are packing ourselves out of our closets to make room for the family moving in. By the way, that’s a God thing: A dept mgr at the hospital has been commuting 100 miles daily for six years. She’s burnt out on driving so her husband said if she could find a home near her job, he would make the commute back to his. A mutual friend put the two needs together and that’s how we found a renter for our home. They will care for our animals, too. Praise!

Health Insurance – Praise! We applied for health insurance with BCBS and within a week had our coverage cards. How often does that happen in a week? Wow. We thank God for that and we thank Eric Tompkins for all his help especially digging into this policy to make sure it will cover us in Ecuador.

Aug. 20 fly to Quito.
Aug. 21 Paperwork at HCJB. Buy supplies not available in Shell.
Aug. 22 Drive to Shell.
Aug. 23 Dane, Luke and Angelyn start school.
Aug. 24 Jay starts work.

Last week Dane said, “Can we just go?” Jay and I wish it was that simple but we are pushing a head and I know all your prayers help.
Thank you,
Lynnelle for the Allisons